Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The One Where I Explain Recent Vague Status Updates

So a lot of things have happened recently that are a big deal but do little to effect my day to day life...if that makes any sense. And sometimes, whatever it happens to be, is all I can think about and somehow finds it's way into an annoyingly vague facebook status.... and I apologize but i can explain.... Sometimes you want to share news with your friends, but when you've accumulated 600 friends from your entire life, it's like, do I really want to conveniently place my life's latest news for all to see on their news feed? Or do I want only the ones who care enough to come read my blog (or call or text me) to know the whole story? And The answers are no and yes respectively. 

So, without any further ado. Let me explain these two from January 27:  
"  Just finished a really annoying chapter. Onto the next one! But first, an interview...kinda..."

This one is about two completely different topics. I don't really care to elaborate on the first half. But the second half is of some interest. I've tried very hard to enjoy my job in Research and have succeeded for the most part, with the help of some great co-workers who make going to work fun for me. However, the job is clearly draining my energy and I dread going to work everyday so I decided to do something about it. I went to casting at Disney World and applied for a transfer to be a Concierge in the Resorts! For now, this has potential to be a perfect role for me because the part I thoroughly enjoy about my current job is the time in-between surveys when I can help answer questions for guests and talk to them as ME instead of someone who is reading questions verbatim like a Disney Robot. The interview went very well but there are not current openings, so I have to be patient and wait for an opening to come up. When an opening occurs, I have to interview for the position still, so I have a ways to go, but it's a start. It might be a month or it could be 6 months before a job opens up, so patience is going to be essential. The concierge role would be a great stepping stone so feel free to pray for an opening for me sooner rather than later!

"  Being unready and ill-equipped is what you have to expect in life. It is the universal predicament. It is your lot as a human being to lack what it takes. Circumstances are seldom right. You never have the capacities, the strength, the wisdom, the virtue you ought to have. You must always do with less than you need in ...a situation vastly different from what you would have chosen"

This quote just really spoke to me because so often in life we make excuses for why we aren't where we want to be, who we want to be with or doing what we want to do. And sometimes you have to stop and realize that if you'd rather make excuses for not going for something then you must not really want to go for it, because if you did, there would be no excuses. You would just do it, even if the circumstances weren't perfect. When you are truly passionate about something, you'll go for it, no matter what.


" Hmmm interesting news I'm not quite sure how to process."

 There's no easy way to say this so I'll just get right to it. I found out that my former Uncle passed away yesterday. He couldn't have been more than 45 and he has 3 kids, my cousins, who are all amazing and much too young to lose their Dad. He is technically not my uncle anymore because he was married to my Aunt and they divorced a few years ago but it's sad nonetheless. He was always a cool Uncle and easy to talk to and laugh with. I mostly feel horrible for my cousins and I wish I was home more but I have been seeing less and less of them ever since I went away to college and being at Disney the last year and a half, I've missed quite a few family events with them. So I just pray for my cousins and my Aunt and I hope they are all coping as best as humanly possible.

I don't want to end on a sad note, so here's a good one from January 22: 

"  I can't believe tonight is actually happening!"

Do you know who the 1 person I text more than any other person in the world is? His name is Billie and I can count on one hand the number of friends I have who even KNOW about him and that's because it's an unusual friendship but one that has lasted for approximately 10 years. Remember back in 1999, when we dialed up to the internet using AOL and sleepovers involved spending all night on AIM with your girl friends saying stupid things to boys in chat rooms!? Well I do because that's what me and my friends did! Well I don't even remember how it all started exactly, in some random AOL chat room I presume. I used to lie about who I was in those, because I was scared that there were creepers out there, but I could tell Billie was genuinely just a nice guy from California therefore I felt okay to be honest and that I was just Allie from Minnesota. Billie and I were middle school internet friends that only chatted on AIM and somehow turned it into  High School internet friends who texted every once and a while (since it was the new trend afterall, duh!) and then he was my College internet friend who I would call on my drives back to Duluth from concerts in the cities. Neither of us can explain WHY or HOW we've managed to stay friends for so long, it just happened. I think it helped that it has always been a very platonic relationship in that we both tell each other about our crushes. And after so many years, you forget that you've technically never met the person. So on January 22, Billie was in Orlando with some friends to go to a Magic Game (he's currently in Daytona Beach for an umpire camp) so we finally met, how insane is that?! My friend Michelle went with me just in case Billie turned out to be a weirdo (he's not) and it was like meeting a friend you've known for 10 years, completely comfortable. It's funny because, there aren't many guy friends in my life that have sent me birthday cards every year on my birthday or texted me till I fell asleep in Nashville when I was scared and felt alone in a strange city, but Billie did all that and I'm grateful to have him as a friend! 


 Anyways, hopefully I am no longer guilty of "Vaguebooking" as it is called these days because I dutifully explained my vague statuses but on the other hand, sometimes it just seems tacky to wear your heart on your status so I ensure there will be more vague statuses in the future. But as always, you can get pretty much the whole scoop here! (It's not the WHOLE scoop because I have never and will never talk about boys in my blog, because that takes all the fun out of girl talk ;)


Samantha Schmaus said...

This is amazing, Als!
I enjoy being updated about your life, no matter how vague or specific-booking you are being at the moment!
I miss you and hope to continue hearing that amazing things are happening to you!

Suzanna said...

Loving this! It was ironic because I just heard about vaguebooking this morning on KDWB....

I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you!

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