On the upside, I closed my bank account and opened a new one that has branches in Nashville! I felt like a shiny new penny when I told the bank teller I had just graduated (she didn't need to know that I spent a year in Disney World) and am off to Nashville to pursue my dreams! She was all "Good luck!" and smiled. That's when I knew I made the right choice in banks...even if she was laughing at my naivete as I walked away, but she seemed sincere enough.
I also happened to score many fun CDs from the library today including Matchbox Twenty, Needtobreathe, Daughtry and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Greatest Hits. That, my friends, is the start of an awesome road trip mix. Daughtry even has a song called "Tennessee Line".... which actually has nothing to do with my experience.... but made me smile none the less. My feelings about moving can most adequately be summed up by "Ready, Set, Don't Go"
Ironically enough, the song is about leaving Nashville to go to LA. But Nashville IS my LA, at least for now. Today I received the BEST tweet ever that made me smile. Rev Run said "soo many ppl want to be in movies, but aint even start to save for a plane ticket to hollywood yet... im just sayin." I think I was watching a Disney Channel Original Movie (Princess Projection Program, if you must know) when I realized that if I want to achieve my dreams, I have to be in a location that is conducive to them.
On a different note. I had to say goodbye to my little brothers and it was not easy. I love those little guys and wish we were closer in age so I could grow up with them. I actually think my little brother Luke is more wise than I am a lot of times. He makes me tear up when I see how selfless he is. They were trying on my sunglasses and mastered the "look away and don't smile" pose without me even telling them! Love them.
I can't wait to see you in over a day! I will be around my cell after 3pm if you need to call and chat about packing. You are going to fit right in down here in Nashville! Love you!
p.s. I love the blog!
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